
Bags of garbage

The photos of bags of garbage on this blog do not magically appear. I fill the garbage bag up in 15 min. to an hour and take the bag to be picked up by the city. Most garbage comes from little bits everywhere that add up to one large bag when collected into a group. Photos height and width (March 26, 2024) now match original.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dumped Lawn

The cement blocks on the center-left are the entrance of southern trail ( east-west) of Cheval Blanc Whitehorse woods.
This guy has no grass on his lawn.
dumped cement

dumped lawn

dumped lawn
And across the street there is piles of old lawn. I wonder where the old lawn came from?

This is how a human city expands. People dump garbage on the edge of the city limits. No one thinks the land looks good, so no one worries when they bulldoze it flat for constructing more buildings.

All along the edge of the new housing in Cheval Blanc- Whitehorse is garbage. Some garbage was already there, such as cement and rebar, but the new people have added all kinds of new garbage.

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