
Bags of garbage

The photos of bags of garbage on this blog do not magically appear. I fill the garbage bag up in 15 min. to an hour and take the bag to be picked up by the city. Most garbage comes from little bits everywhere that add up to one large bag when collected into a group. Photos height and width (March 26, 2024) now match original.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 6 2024

 August 6 2024 

I cleaned at the western edge of Whitehorse rapids woods/ Rapides du Cheval Blanc . One semi full standard size garbage bag full. Oops Upload went last to first photo, sorry. out of my hands at the moment.

Two barbed fishing hooks I cleaned up from the shoreline

The entirety of the garbage I cleaned up about to go into the city container. Click on to zoom in if you wish.

Glass bottle on shoreline 02

Glass bottle on shoreline 01

Bring a compass for the woods, the river is always north.

Broken glass on the shoreline 02. I have not cleaned this yet as I did not have a bucket.

Broken glass on the shoreline 01. I have not cleaned this yet as I did not have a bucket.

Bee on the plant

Nature photo

Nature photo extended.

Nature photo

Nature photo looking west at the new REM bridge.

Nature photo looking east with emphasis on the purple plants.

Nature photo looking east

Unlucky nail penetrated my shoe 02. I thought I had a stone in my shoe at first.

Unlucky nail penetrated my shoe 01. I thought I had a stone in my shoe at first.

Search and finding garbage 02

Search and finding garbage 01

Bottle of unknown substance. I left it there as I do not want a disease.

The start of the work , a campfire party site on the edge of the territory,

Opening in the woods on the west side with the new REM visible.

Entrance to the pathway in the park. Highly overgrown.  Closer view. Runs east-west. DEET mosquito repellent is a must.

Entrance to the pathway in the park. Highly overgrown. Runs east-west. DEET mosquito repellent is a must.

Entrance to the pathway in the park. Highly overgrown.  FAR view. Runs east-west. DEET mosquito repellent is a must.

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