
Bags of garbage

The photos of bags of garbage on this blog do not magically appear. I fill the garbage bag up in 15 min. to an hour and take the bag to be picked up by the city. Most garbage comes from little bits everywhere that add up to one large bag when collected into a group. Photos height and width (March 26, 2024) now match original.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Nov 25, 2011

Snow melted, so did some cleaning at the nearby park.
Only one bag. There is a lot of garbage IN a tree-bush . Placed there on purpose.
I should take a photo.
In this park, I once found a plastic bag full of those foam peanuts made for packaging fragile items.
Some one had purposely placed it there, waiting for the bag to break open one day to make a huge mess.
Some kind of humor.
Today saw a woman smile at the bus stop after I visually caught her dumping trash on the ground. Did she do this (smile) trick for her parents when she did something wrong?
I have seen those tiny ketchup and mayonnaise (fast food) packs placed on the ground, where people will "accidentally" step on them. One time waiting in line for the bus, the bus arrived and ran over some kind of package or container. The packaging under compression from the bus then squirted a liquid of some kind all over us waiting in line. It was funny? People were mad.

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