
Bags of garbage

The photos of bags of garbage on this blog do not magically appear. I fill the garbage bag up in 15 min. to an hour and take the bag to be picked up by the city. Most garbage comes from little bits everywhere that add up to one large bag when collected into a group. Photos height and width (March 26, 2024) now match original.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nov 10-11, 2011

No photos. I decided to take out what metal I could out of the swamp.
I loaded up my old backpack and took some by hand.
The bushes and trees tried to grab the metal out of my hands a few times (joking), it got caught in the branches several times while walking the west east trail on the north side of Cheval blanc woods.

I am trying to figure out how to get the engine block out.
I was thinking on an inflatable boat, but the engine is very heavy. It might be un floatable.
Next thought is a Dolly, a thing on wheels, but I know the pathway, the pathway is too uneven for a standard Dolly.
So it looks like a homemade dolly. Maybe over a couple of days. Moving it a certain distance over the days.
If you don't give up the fight you cant lose.

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