
Bags of garbage

The photos of bags of garbage on this blog do not magically appear. I fill the garbage bag up in 15 min. to an hour and take the bag to be picked up by the city. Most garbage comes from little bits everywhere that add up to one large bag when collected into a group. Photos height and width (March 26, 2024) now match original.

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11, 2012

Picked up the red containers of yesterday June 10, 2012 and some more garbage.
My last post I complained the turtle didn't let me get a photo of him/her. This day June 11, 2012 I found two turtles in Cheval blanc Whitehorse woods. This one had to walk on the broken glass, as the pathway has broken glass in it and the turtle can not walk anywhere else. I hope he/she didn't cut their limbs on it.
Ironically I cut my foot shortly after worrying about the turtle.

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