
Bags of garbage

The photos of bags of garbage on this blog do not magically appear. I fill the garbage bag up in 15 min. to an hour and take the bag to be picked up by the city. Most garbage comes from little bits everywhere that add up to one large bag when collected into a group. Photos height and width (March 26, 2024) now match original.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

July 27 , 2024

 July 27 , 2024  I cleaned at Roxboro Island.

Nature photo looking west , on the shoreline.

The garbage I cleaned up about to go into the city container.

Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024

 July 26, 2024 I cleaned at Whitehorse rapids/rapids du cheval blanc.

Nature photo looking west

Nature photo looking east

Two glass bottles on the rock shoreline. I was lucky to get them before a child-idiot smashed them or threw them in the river.

Turtle far away


Garbage I cleaned up about to go into city container.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

July 25 2024

 July 25 2024 I cleaned at the new Marine , specifically the eastern shoreline.

I had bad timing as when I arrived as a huge company truck also arrived moments later, to pump green fertilizer everywhere there was raw dirt.

The story is as follows: On the east side, there was a path there, they let it get overgrown. I came today to discover they cut it down again and planted some other trees that don't have spikes coming out of them ( I presume). There is raw dirt that needs grass, so these guys were hired to spray-plant grass.

There is garbage everywhere, but no one picks it up. Painting it green with fertilizer is a solution? IDK?

In the few moments I had before the truck backed up, I chose to ignore the plastic garbage and picked up two glass alcohol bottles and two blocks of metal before they started spraying.

On the shoreline there is broken glass and cigarette butts. I photographed two illegal campfires that no one in authority stops/enforces the law.

The end of the morning garbage I cleaned up. If you zoom in you can see the balloon I found and a frog fishing lure.

Sprayed it green (close)

Sprayed it green (far)

Found a balloon. Balloons Blow! link to website

fisher fool 02 close

fisher fool 02 far

fisher fool 01 close

fisher fool 01 far

Illegal campfire 01

Illegal campfire 02

Green fertilizer pump truck arriving

The first garbage I cleaned up

Nature photo of the beautiful shoreline.

Sorry the photos are in reverse order. I do not know how the blogger decides what order to put them in.

This time I assumed they would be loaded first to last, but no, it decided last to first.

Monday, July 22, 2024

July 22 2024

 July 22 2024 Beautiful morning. I cleaned at noname park and park Paquin.

zoom into the center of the photo and you can see a three prong fishing hook SOaB.

Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19, 2024

 July 19, 2024 I cleaned at Roxboro Island.

No photos of the cleaning as it was just finishing details of grooming and raking the beach (bay), just to the right ( or east) of the photos I include here.

This location  where the photos are taken is pretty terrible from all the bonfires, the campfires the police do not stop. This is the first spot people see when they arrive and it could be discouraging. If they have any curiosity , they should walk to the right or east to see more of the area.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

July 17, 2024

 July 17, 2024  I cleaned at Roxboro Island.

nature photo

nature photo zoomed in


The garbage I collected. Notice the fishing hook I found and stuck in the white Styrofoam . I would not want to get stuck by that!

The "beach" area is free from burnt firewood now. Firewood can be seen in July 15, 2024 post.

beach area looking east

beach area looking west

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 16, 2024

 July 16, 2024 I did maintenance at the entrance to Roxboro Island.

Like wrote of yesterday( EDIT : I just looked and I did not write of it yesterday , sorry), the lid was missing from the garbage container. This was due to its chain breaking free.

So today I brought another bolt and bolted it so it would not be lost.

Chain disconnected.

Where the chain should go.

The nuts, bolts and washers I brought.

Interior: nut on the bolt with a washer on the inside.

Exterior: bolt and chain in place.

Finished job of a lid that can not be lost.

Monday, July 15, 2024

July 15, 2024

 July 15, 2024

 I cleaned at Roxboro Island and a bit at Whitehorse rapids/Rapids du Cheval Blanc.

30 second video of the shoreline

(maybe)A beach at Roxboro Island , the west side, not the "Roxboro Beach" that is east of here.


The garbage I cleaned up about to go into the bin.


Whitehorse rapids

Nature photo

A few bottles and garbage on the shoreline I cleaned up.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

July 13, 2024

 July 13, 2024 I cleaned at FAR western Whitehorse rapids / Rapids du Cheval Blanc park.

Nature photo

The trail to get there is very overgrown. No one is using it because it is overgrown < > it is overgrown because no one is using it. The city should be maintaining it for their citizens.

Real DEET Mosquito repellent is a MUST have, if you go.

Not much garbage to be found for the growth of the trees and plants ( beautiful green leaves everywhere), and for the REM cutting off the park to the teenagers who make the usual mess. 

One regular bag of garbage collected. AND something that really upsets me, the REM is dumping raw sewage into the river. This used to be a natural drainage ditch, but you can tell by the deposits in the photo, it is more than rain water run off.

The garbage I cleaned up.

Raw sewage going into the river.

Nature photo of geese

Nature photo of goose closeup