Dumping at Parc Cheval Blanc Rapids, Parc des Arbres is cheaper than going to the dump!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The good, the old rock wall
I have removed all the small garbage items of plastic. I did not take before pictures, but I have run out of those plastic bags from the grocery store that we all keep.
I wonder about the history of the land. In the Google photos of the parks you can see lines. These lines are rock walls. I presume a farmer some time in the past piled the rocks there. Erosion where the land reaches the river, tells me the river level used to be much lower, so I don't think it has been a "wetlands" for long.
A mystery is the City sewer system kind of pipes on the land. When were they put in place?
The train bridge was built in 1882. Île Bigras railway crossing. There is a camera on the bridge. I don't know if the camera is watched.
Back to the rock walls.
More Tires and garbage at the Park
Google maps capture.CLICK FOR LARGER.
UPDATE: Summer of 2014 I took out the oil drum in the above photo. I accidentally cut my leg with it when I was taking it out, a permanent souvenir of the action.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Parc Cheval Blanc Rapids, Parc des Arbres
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Cheval Blanc Rapids
NOTE : I took the engine block out myself in the fall of 2012 CLICK HERE.
Google maps capture.CLICK FOR LARGER.
Cheval Blanc Rapids
"Hikers in search of natural vistas in the vicinity of Cheval Blanc Rapids bordering Rivière des Prairies will delight in the area's numerous wetlands and superb wooded shorelines."
The city never cleaned the land up and doesn't disclose the sewer system going through the park.
Reportedly the land was bought in 2003 after years of dispute. This 2003 owner built on half of the nature parks land.
By "clean the land up" I mean pick up the heavy trash left behind by previous owners.
There is at least two cars rotting there.
I believe but do not have the money to hire a lab report, that there is oil being released from the junk and trash.
You can see oil slicks on the water in the swamp area. I presume it came from the cars? How much oil is in a car engine?
Besides car, car frame and engines laying about , I know of eight (8) car rubber truck tires located in various parts of the park. (UpdateNov 25,2009: I know of TEN tires now)
Very scenic. NOT
Six car tire pile I made.( I later took the car tires out myself)
First car
End of first car (four photos).( a significant portion of the car was brought to the property line. Engine block and some frame remain 2016)
garbage along the trail with scale of my foot.
garbage along the trail.
These large bags of packaged compost are in the middle of the park. I wonder who put them there, and how they got there? Whoever was doing a cover up, got lazy and didn't remove the wrapper.
Second car near wetlands. (I later took it out)
Second car near wetlands. ( I cut it into smaller pieces and took it out)
A bed or futon? I don't know. In the woods section, on the west side of the train tracks.(Parc des Arbres) UPDATE: I took the metal in the above photo out of the woods in the fall of 2013.
Minor garbage of stolen telephone boxes. UPDATE took them out in 2013
Abandoned tree fort. I approve of kids building forts in the woods. All kids should do this. Someone just has clean up when they abandon it, or it falls down. Maybe check it for dangerousness like nails to step on, or sharp wood that could impale someone.
Major Garbage in Parc des Arbres next to Parc Cheval Blanc Rapids,west side of the train tracks, near the houses.
Construction garbage A LOT. Too much to do by hand and bag. Plastic, wires junk.
Construction garbage A LOT. Too much to do by hand and bag. Plastic, wires junk.
This was recent and intentional, so it really got me angry. Some bastard didn't want to spend $50.00 and the trip to a dump to properly get rid of this garbage. $300.00 fine? That's too low a fine to scare someone. Should be a $5000.00 fine. Has the legal fine of dumping been cost indexed since its inception date (1960's?)?
Friday, October 16, 2009
Green spaces 'improve health' BBC news
The best health benefits come from living less than a kilometre (0.62miles) from a green space |
There is more evidence that living near a 'green space' has health benefits.
Research in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health says the impact is particularly noticeable in reducing rates of mental ill health.
The annual rates of 15 out of 24 major physical diseases were also significantly lower among those living closer to green spaces.
One environmental expert said the study confirmed that green spaces create 'oases' of improved health around them.
The researchers from the VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam looked at the health records of 350,000 people registered with 195 family doctors across the Netherlands.
Only people who had been registered with their GP for longer than 12 months were included because the study assumed this was the minimum amount of time people would have to live in an environment before any effect of it would be noticeable.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Types of pollution
active construction/old run down construction
lack of green space, as in living plants and trees.
light pollution , can't see the stars at night.
Psychological Consequences: depression, rage, RE:stars disconnect with nature, ones mortality and place in the universe
backing up "beep, beep"
active construction of road and buildings
night-time city maintenance work
Psychological Consequences: anger , rage, road rage
contamination by suspended microscopic particles
smell (bad)
Psychological Consequences:worry/fear of asthma and involuntary emotional reaction due to the olfactory bulb/ Limbic System brain reaction
"Of all your senses, only the sense of smell acts directly with the brain. When you perceive an odor, it is because the molecules of that odor activate specific receptors in the nasal epithelium and then in the olfactory bulb. These receptors send nerve impulses directly to the limbic center of the brain via a neurochemical code. The limbic system is where emotional responses are concentrated. Recent research indicates that humans can recognize and remember about 10,000 different odors.
Pollution in Montréal/Montreal
Pollution its citizens and animals have to endure.
Types of pollution
Water pollution.
Soil/Land pollution.Visual pollution.
Air pollution. Odor pollution.
Noise pollution.