
Bags of garbage

The photos of bags of garbage on this blog do not magically appear. I fill the garbage bag up in 15 min. to an hour and take the bag to be picked up by the city. Most garbage comes from little bits everywhere that add up to one large bag when collected into a group. Photos height and width (March 26, 2024) now match original.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 31, 2012

At RDP 200 parc Paquin shoreline at least ten pounds of glass/broken glass and some various.
I didn't bring my weighing scale.
Lots of small black plastic dog feces bags on the shoreline as well.Visually unpleasant maybe bad for the ocean, I hate dog owners who toss their dog feces in the road sewers, you know why.

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, 2012

Start of the day at Cap St Jacques free boat launch area. I made a pile of broken glass and such. I luckily found a container to carry it, but I had to take two trips.

Metal in the shoreline I pulled out and brought to the garbage bin.

Creosote-impregnated wooden beam in the shoreline. Toxic material no one worries about.

Creosote-impregnated wooden beam from a distance. There are many more in the area poisoning the water, earth and wildlife.

First step of pulling it out of the shoreline, digging it out. I took it a good distance further to the garbage-bin and then my tool to pull it broke.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 29, 2012

Far West of RDP 180 place. The shoreline of Cheval Blanc Rapides Whitehorse Rapids .
I had found the metal chair on the 27th of July but left it. This day I found it again but someone had opened it to a sitting position and left it.

I collected just over ten pounds of mostly broken glass and placed it in the white bucket.

End of the days cleaning bucket of broken glass and a broken chair.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28, 2012

Cleaned Cheval Blanc Rapides Whitehorse Rapids shoreline area.In between RDP 180 and RDP 190

Friday, July 27, 2012

July 27, 2012

RDP 200 I cleaned the shoreline. Parc Paquin

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to get free GPS latitude and longitude

How to get free GPS or Global Positioning System.
It's not really GPS but it is finding the official latitude and longitude of a place so you can clearly show on a map the location you want to identify.

1) Run Bing Maps on the internet.

2) Find the location you want the latitude and longitude of . Zoom in as much as possible.

3) Click " Share". a pop-up window appears. Switch to "Show Full URL"

4) Copy and past the URL to notepad or whatever kind of text program. In the URL there will be two numbers. Remove the "~" separator.

5) Put the numbers into google maps to confirm the latitude and longitude.

You now have free GPS.



 45.514475 -73.560661

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 24, 2012

Whitehorse Rapids

July 23, 2012

Picked up a bit of broken glass at whitehore rapids park shoreline and cut my leg accidentally with the bag of garbage.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 21, 2012

Cap St Jacques , I took a bunch of garbage out from the shoreline. I only have the side view. A top view photo would show the amount better. Anyways the guy working at Cap St Jacques to empty the garbage bins showed up(on the left), and we put the garbage in the back of his golf cart type vehicle.Not the wood.timbers were treated with "creosote-coal tar solution" or "coal tar creosote,"

Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 20, 2012

Whitehorse rapids/ Cheval Blanc Rapides near the train bridge. Where the orange sofa-chair was I picked up some more broken glass. So by my memory of summer 2012 that's 3 buckets of glass, one 15 and two 20 pounds weight.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19, 2012

Took out this sink and a bucket of garbage from the shoreline of Cheval Blanc Rapides/ Whitehorse rapids. Between RDP 180 and RDP 190.

Put this garbage from the shoreline at the trashcan  area known as RDP 190

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 18, 2012

Put this garbage from the shoreline near RDP 190 of Cheval Blanc Rapides/ Whitehorse rapid. at the trashcan . July 19 I added a black garbage bag worth.

From RDP 190 west to the spot in the photo small to medium amount of garbage collected. I found the sink on the shoreline . On July 19, I took the sink out.

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16, 2012

When it rains the city sewer system combines the rainwater and regular sewer-water. This then washes into the river and from the river onto the shoreline.

This sewage disposal plan would have worked before the invention of plastic, but with the invention of plastic, the garbage in the sewage does not disappear. The plastic continually builds up on the shoreline and goes out to sea.

The hungry fish eat it. The birds eat the fish.

Plastic on shoreline

Plastic on shoreline

Start of the morning, some kind of tech in the river.

End of the morning, one bag of garbage whitehorse rapids/Cheval Blanc rapides.


Sewage washing up on eastern Montreal shores

"People living in Pointe-aux-Trembles say they're fed up with smelly garbage washing up on the banks of the St. Lawrence River.
Raymond Desgagnés said garbage has been washing up on the shore of his property since he bought it in 1996. He said he's concerned about the safety of his grandchildren." CBC News Posted: Jul 25, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11, 2012

Cap St Jacques at the free dock. I didn't like this car tire , so I dug it out and took it to the garbage bin. It's garbage right?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10, 2012

Cheval Blanc rapids whitewhorse rapids I collected some bricks along the shoreline, and then I put them on the curbside.

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9, 2012

Cheval Blanc rapids/ Whitehorse rapids shoreline. I found four unbroken bottles. I was lucky they were not broken- unlucky that I always find garbage. The beer add is successful because I find a lot of Corona beer bottles on the shoreline.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 7 , 2012

At Cap St Jacques. I saved a fish and this raccoon. The fish was trapped in a small man-made pool made of rocks alongside the river. The raccoon was in the garbage box in the photo above. I had found and saved a raccoon a few years ago. I wonder how many raccoons die in these stupid garbage boxes? They have a latch on the outside that locks the raccoon in.

Three medium bags of garbage collected from the shoreline. Broken bottles, bottles, fishing line, white and round Styrofoam worm containers, etcetera.

Friday, July 6, 2012

July 6 , 2012

Bucket of glass

Same bucket of glass weighting about 20 pounds collected at whitehorse rapids woods, cheval blanc rapids woods.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4, 2012

I lost the photo of cleaning in the public library computer. It was three bags of garbage from Whitehorse-Cheval blanc rapids shoreline. New garbage plus July 3rd leftovers I didn't bring up to the garbage container.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 3, 2012

metal pole brought to garbage bin. found at cement place at whitehorse rapids shoreline

Same garbage in the two above photos. Collected at Whitehorse rapids shoreline.

Same garbage in the above two photos. Collected at whitehorse rapids shoreline.

End of the morning cleaning at whitehorse rapids